Archive for July 27th, 2009

Baby Smiles

Posted on July 27, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Its been a metamorphosis last couple of weeks. The reason has been the arrival of our bundle of joy – Arjun.

As a bachelor, and later and married person without kids, it was always a question mark… how would it feel to be a father. How do people take decisions like having a kid. How does one move to the next level in responsibility seemlessly.

Also, honestly speaking, as a person without children, one always gets bored when others start talking about thier kids. I had decided that I will never talk about my children and bore others (who while are smiling on the face, cannot empathise or understand you words).

However, post Arjun, talking about him helps me keep him close to me. It gives me the comfort, and somewhere i think if he also would be feeling good as someone is remembering him.

Today was a special day. I reached my in-laws place quite late. I had dinner and wanted to spend some time with Arjun. For some reason he was not happy today. He cried couple of times… and believe me its very difficult to hear him cry. It is just miraculous that someone crying can make parents wriggle in pain and want to do whatever they can to salvage the situation.

He was hungry, and Dhanu dutifully fed him. I took him in my arms. I sing some random songs now a days, and I assume he likes them. The fact is he does, as he smiles. Today, even though he was not too well, he started smiling everytime i sang a song. It was such an incredible feeling…someone responding to you so much at the age of 18 days.

I could not stop my eyes from getting wet as this was probably the first time I really felt that there is someone who is going to be playing with me, asking me questions, laughing at my jokes and sometimes bugging me for no reason. Its just like adding another friend in the company to do things you always wanted to do.

Now i have company to watch cricket matches, funny videos, Tom and jerry, marathi movies etc… just waiting for it now. 🙂

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